Social Personality

 Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all concept; it is a complex interplay of skills, behaviors, and personality traits. One of the critical aspects that influence leadership styles is social intelligence. Social intelligence refers to the ability to understand, interact with, and navigate social situations effectively. It involves being aware of social cues, empathizing with others, and […]...
 Employee goal setting is crucial in today’s competitive business landscape, enhancing productivity, and growth, and aligning individual efforts with organizational objectives. This practice empowers employees to reach their full potential and propels companies toward success. Here’s a closer look at the art of effective employee goal-setting.  What is employee goal setting?  Employee goal setting is […]...
Communication boundaries are limits or guidelines that individuals establish to protect their emotional and mental well-being in interpersonal relationships. These boundaries are designed to define what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior or conversation in communication with others. They can be physical, emotional, or verbal, and they help individuals maintain their autonomy, self-respect, and personal space […]...
In the previous blogs, we talked about different personality types that people own when facing creating habits. In this blog, we’re going to compare the thinker personality type with the planner one. Thinkers excel at exploring initial ideas. They spend time brainstorming and examining all of the possibilities. Thinkers are often creative, reflective types with good imaginations. They tend […]...
People with the feeling trait or heart followers are typically aware of not only their own emotions but the emotions of others around them, too. They often try to make everyone in a conversation feel comfortable and understood. They are protective of those they value, which affects endeavors they conduct both personally and professionally. Heart […]...
The Planners personality style is organized, prepared, and dependable. Planners seek order and fairness. They crave consistency and things in their place. They aim to create a life that is safe and secure. Planners usually have a well-defined picture of what things need to be like for them to be happy and plan accordingly with […]...
In facing habits, we have different people with different kinds of personalities. This includes high-flying, planner, and heart-follower personalities. Those with a thinker or high-flying personality tend to be mentally active, constantly questioning and ponding. They try to learn new skills in their job and social responsibilities are important for them. Also, they are motivated […]...
An expression of gratitude costs nothing and only requires minimal time and attention. It’s a good feeling when someone says thank you and the power of gratitude in the workplace can be hugely significant. Leaders can also create an environment where everyone gets in on the action, leveraging the attention of every member of the […]...
Are you a person who does some activities at the same time? Talk on the phone with a customer while entering data into the computer system. Cook dinner and help children with their homework. Reading emails while chatting with coworkers. If you can do such work at the same time, you’re probably a multi-task person like me. […]...

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