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What is a habit?

  1. Are routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously. “Wikipedia”
  2. A behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance. “Meriam-Webster Dictionary”
  3. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. “Free dictionary”
  4. Something that you do often or regularly, often without thinking about it. “MacMillan Dictionary”

How to form a new habit?

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What are the steps of creating a habit?

There are a few steps to create a new habit that you need to follow:

  1. Choose a habit
  2. Select a Minihabit
  3. Connect(Hook) Minihabit to the current habit
  4. Set a continence time and reminder
  5. Determine a celebration for your achievement.

What is the Minihabit?

A mini habit is a very small positive behavior that you force yourself to do every day; its "too small to fail" nature makes it weightless, deceptively powerful, and a superior habit-building strategy. You will have no choice but to believe in yourself when you're always moving forward. The barrier to the first step is so low that even depressed or "stuck" people can find early success and begin to reverse their lives right away. And if you think one push-up a day is too small to matter, I've got one heck of a story for you! "Stephen Guise"

What is the hook?

By hooking your habits, you can link your new habits to your current habits. Like, wake up in the morning, brush your teeth, wash your face, drink coffee, check your social media and lots of think that you do unconsciously.

Why should I choose celebration?

By celebrating every achievement, even the little ones, motivate yourself for the coming challenges. It can evoke a more positive attitude about your tasks and help you become more aligned with your goals.

How do I create a new habit?

By choosing your proper habit from the list, your journey will start. 

Can I add my habit?

Yes, definitely. By tapping on the " Add a new" from the bottom of the goal page, you can make your habit, write a title and then select the category of your habit and next. Now you are ready to complete the steps and create your habit.

How do I delete the habit?

It is impossible to delete your habit now, but it is possible to change the habit details. You should enter the "habit journey map," At the end of the page, you will be able to edit all details or only one of the steps.

How do I edit habits?

You should enter the "habit journey map" by tapping on the name of each habit on the home page, then scrolling down until the commitment section. You will be able to edit all details or only one of the steps.