
Self-image refers to how we see ourselves on a more global level, both internally and externally. What you see when you look in the mirror and how you picture yourself in your head is your self-image. Although there is no widely agreed-upon framework for the aspects of self-image, there are some proposed types and dimensions. […]...
 Self-development can be great for our well-being and help us live our best lives. It’s natural to want to be on par with your peers, to feel productive in your daily life, and to want to make sense of others. On the surface, self-improvement seems like a great idea—it promises to help you “transcend your […]...
 Self-development is defined as the process by which a person’s character or abilities are gradually developed. In a more general sense, it can be described as working hard to better ourselves through goal-setting and lifestyle changes, both internal and external. How self-development can become toxic When you are changing yourself to meet the standards of other people […]...
As you know self-development is a process of developing new skills, attitudes, actions, or reactions that can have a positive impact on your life and increase your overall well-being. In this blog, we want to talk about Lucy who is one of our interlocutors that has been starting to try some tips in improving her […]...
 Self-growth sometimes referred to as “personal growth” or “personal development,” is a process of developing new skills, attitudes, actions, or reactions that can have a positive impact on your life and increase your overall well-being. Self-development aims to achieve your full potential whether that be in your professional or personal life. What are examples of […]...

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