
About two years ago, I was an angry person. I was in a hard situation and had a problem with my job, family, and friends. I couldn’t decide and plan what to do. I was confused. I didn’t allow anyone to help me. With any single word, I became angry and shouted at them. One […]...
Human behavior is a complex process that involves the interplay between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Each of these components can have a significant impact on the others. For example, our thoughts can influence our feelings and behaviors, while our behaviors can impact our thoughts and feelings. Our emotions can also play a critical role in […]...
Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong. It can be a good thing and give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems.  Anger only becomes a problem when it’s excessively displayed and begins to affect […]...
Anxiety is the worry or fears you feel in response to a perceived threat. Anger is also a threat response, but it’s coupled with a strong sense of annoyance. Anxiety is tightly linked to worry and fear that are out of the ordinary for everyday triggers. Many individuals with an anxiety disorder will often be quick […]...

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